RoyalFlycatcher represents who we are; people who are passionate about nature and especially birds. In our services of birdwatching tourism we abide by the 2019 birdwatching code of ethics (https://www.aba.org/aba-code-of-birding-ethics/).
We specialize in bird watching trips and nature photography at a national and international level, giving you the chance to learn about the biodiversity of each site that we visit. Our trips are destined mainly for places that have a previous work of conservation and appreciation of nature. Within our services we promote scientific tourism and nature appreciation, design and create routes for bird watching and nature photography, give expert advice on bird tourism and conservation issues, and train local guides and biologists.
Our main interest is the promotion of conservation, love for bird watching and appreciation of nature through our travels, photography and documentation of birds; as a way of valuing natural resources involving local communities.
RoyalFlycatcher is a brand created with the purpose of promoting love for birds, their conservation and delight through bird watching and nature photography.
RoyalFlycatcher's image has been the result of years of effort and dedication. During 2019 we have been working on improving the brand. Leaving for history a compilation of adventures and anecdotes, clients and friends that have led us to grow up and believe in a dream, several years of dedication to birds, which have led to many inspirations.
In the case of the logo and the photographic image, it is the result of the taste for art in the conservation of flora and fauna, of great artists and naturalists. For this new look, the work of Charley Harper was the source of inspiration to create the new RoyalFlycatcher logo. Harper, was an American modernist artist based in Cincinnati. He became famous for his work on wildlife, posters, and book illustrations, especially on birds.
In the case of photography, John James Audubon was a French ornithologist, naturalist and painter, nationalized American in 1812, considered the first ornithologist in America. Audubon accompanied his book "Birds Of America" with Ornithological Biographies, which included information on each species. This book was written together with the Scottish ornithologist William MacGillivray. Both the book of pictures and the "biographies" were published between 1827 and 1839. While in Edinburgh to search for subscriptions for his book, he gave a demonstration of his method of using wire to keep dead birds at the Wernerian Natural History Association. from Professor Robert Jameson. One of the students in the audience was Charles Darwin. The way in which he published his works, representing them in their natural environment and how he presented them, are part of the admiration and inspiration of our image.