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Gorgojo Cabeza Dorada (Compsus auricepha
Captura de Pantalla 2020-07-18 a la(s) 1

The vocalizations of the birds are without a doubt extraordinary and captivating, wherever we are we can hear them. These vertebrates have achieved one of the most complex acoustic communication systems, given that they have the ability to emit or produce a great variety of vocal sounds (calls, calls complex songs) and non-vocal sounds, also called mechanical sounds (acoustic signals produced by beaks, and wing and tail feathers). Vocalizations in birds are basically of two types: songs and calls. The songs are structurally complex and are generally related to courtship and territoriality.

The calls or claims are of a simpler acoustic structure and of short duration, and are related to the behavior of alarm, search and request for food, cohesion of flocks, among others.

These vocalizations are produced in a structure called the syrinx or vocal organ, which is located at the junction between the trachea and where the bronchi bifurcate. This structure is associated with the respiratory system and its operation occurs thanks to the passage of air flow in a similar way to that of the larynx and vocal cords in mammals. Worldwide, the avifauna is made up of around 9300 species and in Mexico it is estimated that we have around 1100 species, however, their vocal repertoire is not known from all of them. In addition to the direct or visual observation of the birds, we can also get to know them through the enjoyment of their varied and spectacular vocal repertoire, which they emit almost throughout the year, but with more notoriety during the reproductive season.

In this section, RoyalFlycatcher offers you a space to get to know the birds from different parts of the world, mainly from Mexico, and through their vocalizations. We are going to start by registering the birds of one of the best places in the world for visual observation and auditory contemplation, not only because of the species of birds that live there, but because it has one of the most important ecosystems in the world, the Cloud forest. Yes gentlemen, we are talking about the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Chiapas, Mexico.

Alberto Martínez-Fernández

96 7142 9969


Biologist, ornithologist, certified guide, specialist in birdwatching and nature photography and video. His passion for birds started at an early age; now with more than 20 years of experience. He has collaborated with national and international agencies for bird conservation. 

Founder of RoyalFlycatcher, seeking to promote love for birds and their conservation.

Fernando González-Garcia

+52 1 228 151 0507


Biologist, ornithologist. He currently works at the Institute of Ecology, A.C., and is associated with the Vertebrate Biology and Conservation Network. His interest in birds started at an early age. He is very interested in bird conservation ecology with special emphasis on members of the Cracidae family (chachalacas, turkeys, pajüiles, hocofaisanes) and specifically with the Pavon  (Oreophasis derbianus) and other endangered species. The recording of acoustic signals emitted by various vertebrates is one of his passions, mainly the vocalizations of Neotropical birds. He is the founder of the first Library of Sounds of the Birds of Mexico (BISAM)

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Birds of El Triunfo

 The Sound of the Cloud Forest 

Wine-Throated Hummingbird (Atthis ellioti) Ridgway, 1878. LC: Least Concern

Rufous-browed Wren · (Troglodytes rufociliatus) · Sharpe, 1882. LC: Least Concern

Horned Guan · Oreophasis derbianus · Gray, GR, 1844.  EN: Endangered